Envisaging a world with greener cities.

CFD Model, Fluidity:

The Fluidity modelling team at Imperial has been making exciting progress.  Simulations with more realistic physics are now under testing. External features such as trees are being integrated into the model, and traffic modelling now uses real emissions rates from vehicles and realistic driving behaviour. The team have put together a detailed update, packed with information and visuals. Download it here

research updates: Modelling

Reduced Order Model:

We have developed a reduced order model that enables us to run our advanced simulations using much less computational power.  We have published a number of papers outlining our progress, including here, and here

Data Assimilation:

Data assimilation is a technique used to reduce error in both Fluidity and the Reduced Order Model.  You can read more about the application of Data Assimilation in MAGIC in a number of journal publications, including here and here. Recently, Data Analysis techniques have been successfully applied using sensor data from the wind tunnel to improve the numerical predictions produced by Fluidity


EnergyPlus is used to model indoor-outdoor exchange, thermal comfort and building energy use.  Recent analysis shows that a combination of cross- and stack-ventilation can keep our LSBU test-room comfortable for inhabitants 92% of working hours during summer. 

SPOTLIGHT: Comparing Fluidity with Gaussian Plume Models 

Click here to download our latest analysis using MAGIC's advanced computational fluid dynamics and wind tunnel capabilities to assess the performance of Gaussian Plume models at short time and length scales.

At the heart of MAGIC are a number of computer models - including Fluidity, a Reduced Order Model and Energyplus. We have a dedicated team of modellers building and refining the models' capabilities. Here's a snapshot of some of their latest work.  A full summary of  our  research can be found in the paper recently published paper in Building Research and Information: Natural ventilation in cities: the implications of fluid mechanics.